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Osaka University Partner Summit, an international symposium to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Osaka University and 100th anniversary of Osaka University of Foreign Studies, was held online on April 30, 2021.
Research Chairs Session (Osaka University Partner Summit)
The research chairs session during the Osaka University Partner Summit held on 30 April 2021. Six researchers introduced the collaborative projects in three areas related to life: health, wellbeing, and sustainability. The researchers mapped a variety of multidisciplinary projects onto those areas and discussed further opportunities for collaboration among partner universities.
Research Chairs Session Participants:
Prof. Eric Brunner (Faculty of Population Health Sciences, University College London)
Prof. Yanjun Dai (Department of Power and Energy Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Prof. Andrej Zwitter (Campus Fryslân, University of Groningen)
Prof. ISO Hiroyasu (Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University)
Prof. SHIMOJO Shinji (Cybermedia Center, Osaka University)
Prof. DOME Takuo (Social Solution Initiative/Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University)
Student Voices (Osaka University Partner Summit)
Nearly 5 months, students from each of our partner institutions have discussed proposals for the summit based on the theme of The Role of Students in Responding to Uncertainty as Future Leaders. These future leaders have shared their idea with us at Osaka University Partner Summit held on 30 April 2021.
Student Voices Session Participants:
NAGAI Yui (Osaka University)
YAMATOKO Sojiro (Osaka University)
KASATANI Kosuke (Osaka University)
YANO Ryu (Osaka University)
Kanokporn Prakobsang (Mahidol University)
Umroh Laman (Mahidol University)
Sorana Nicola Bucseneanu (University College London)
Navya Dikshit (University College London)
Sukitha Bandaranayake (University of British Columbia)
Hailey Clarke (University of British Columbia)
Ka Yin Chan, Caspa (University of Groningen)
Andreas Gassilloud (University of Groningen)
Yinuo Xu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Yiheng Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Sofia Jakovcevic (University of California, Davis)
Sophia Mares de Juan (University of California, Davis)
Video Messages from Partner University Leaders (Osaka University Partner Summit)
Video messages from partner university leaders in which they responded to questions related to the role of higher education institutions in a post-COVID-19 world.
Partner University Leaders:
Dr. Gary S. May, Chancellor, University of California, Davis
Prof. Jouke de Vries, President, University of Groningen
Prof. Zhongqin Lin, President, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Prof. Santa J. Ono, President and Vice-Chancellor, The University of British Columbia
Prof. Banchong Mahaisavariya, President, Mahidol University
Dr. Michael Spence AC, President and Provost, University College London
Closing Remarks (Osaka University Partner Summit)
President NISHIO Shojiro offered his closing remarks at the end of the Osaka University Partner Summit.