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The 3rd Joint Research Workshop Held with the University of Melbourne

The 3rd joint research workshop, “Women’s and Children’s Health and Wellbeing Following Disaster,” was held with the University of Melbourne, one of Osaka University’s strategic partners, on 5-7 March 2024 at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, the University of Melbourne.

 The workshop was held with the support of the 2023 Osaka-Melbourne Joint Research Workshops Fund under the theme, “Community-based opportunities to amplify the capacities of women and children in disaster contexts: a strength-based approach.”

Six researchers from the University of Melbourne and five from the School and Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, presented their research on various disasters. In addition to presentations, site visits to MotHs (Mums of the Hills), established by women affected by the forest fires in the suburbs of Melbourne, and the Phoenix Australia Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health, which provides mental health support to disaster victims, were organized. A PhD Session was held to bring early career researchers from both universities together to exchange views on their careers and research collaboration.

 Finally, this workshop not only led to the further development of international joint research but also provided a good opportunity for next-generation researchers, especially female researchers, to meet many role models.

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