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UCL-OU Strategic Partner Funds: 2 Applications Selected for 2023-2024

Review committee members of the University College London (UCL) and Osaka University (OU) selected two applications as listed below for the UCL-OU Strategic Partner Funds 2023-24. A total of seven applications were submitted by the deadline of 6 October. The partner funds will support collaborative research and in turn, strengthen the partnership between UCL and OU.

←The table can be scrolled left and right→

No. OU
Name of co-applicant
Name of lead applicant
Project title
1 Shigeo WADA
Graduate School of Engineering Science
Ryo TORII Developing a Data-Driven Blood Flow Simulation Method to Tackle Cardiovascular Diseases
2 Masahiko HARUNO
Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences
Benedetto DE MARTINO The Influence of Past Rewards on Decision-Making Throughout Life
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